On January 24th and 25th, 2024, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh presided over a meeting at the Government’s headquarters concerning various projects and proposals for amended laws. Among those are the law on enforcement of civil judgments and the law on corporate income tax.

A. Formulation proposal for Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgments (amended)

The Government unanimously recognized the necessity of formulating and disseminating this proposed Law in order to reinforce the institutionalization of the Party and State’s ideologies and policies regarding the reformation of the organization and operations of civil judgment enforcement. The objective is to address existing institutional shortcomings and deficiencies, ensuring the efficient execution of judgments and decisions by courts and competent authorities. This initiative aims to safeguard national interests, protect the rights and interests of individuals and organizations, uphold social order and safety, and ensure the utmost adherence to the law. Furthermore, it seeks to enhance the business and investment environment, bolster national competitiveness, and foster socio-economic development.

B. Formulation proposal for Law on Corporate Income Tax (amended)

The Government expressed strong appreciation towards the Ministry of Finance’s leadership and coordination with relevant ministries and agencies in establishing a proposal in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Promulgation of Legislative Documents. The Government agrees with the objective of developing a Law that institutionalizes the Party’s ideologies and instructions, states objectives on reforming the tax policy system, with a specific focus on corporate income tax policy[1]; meets the practical requirements and new development demands of the economy, contributing to the safe and sustainable restructuring of the state budget; create a favorable and equitable investment and business environment; ensure the coherence of the legal system, the needs of international economic integration and strengthen international cooperation on tax matters.