This article is written by Nguyen Kien Cuong and edited by Nguyen Thanh Nghiep Foreign...
This post is written by Truong Viet Hoa and edited by Nguyen Thanh Nghiep In...
On August 24, 2023, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Luu Quang endorsed Decision No. 993/QD-TTg on...
Last night, The State Bank of Vietnam officially stated the moratorium on the effectiveness of several provisions...
This article is written by Vu Manh Hung, Truong Viet Hoa, and Nguyen Thanh Nghiep...
On July 17, 2023, the National Assembly issued Law No. 20/2023/QH15 (“ET Law 2023”) to...
Kyoto Protocol 1997 and Paris Agreement 2015 are international accords that laid out international CO2 emissions...
On June 30, 2023, the Government officially issued the new Decree No. 46/2023/ND-CP for implementing...
Circular No. 17/2022/TT-NHNN (“Circular 17”), emphasizes the importance of environmental risk management in lending activities...